

Attention! This document establishes the procedure and conditions for processing of personal information about individuals provided by subjects of personal data or third parties in the process of interaction with the operator using the Internet, including the use of the service available on the Internet at: https://agro.revada-group.com/


The Parties hereby agree that all the terms and definitions used in this document, any annexes and appendices hereto shall, for the purpose of proper performance of duties, unless otherwise expressly provided, be interpreted in accordance with the meaning set forth below.

Operator – the operator processing personal data, information about which is specified in the last section of the Policy.

User – is a natural person providing personal data, purchasing the Services.

Policy – this policy with regard to processing of personal data.

Website – the Operator’s website (including sub-domains and internal pages) located on the Internet at: https://agro.revada-group.com/, through which the User applies for the Services.

Parties – the Operator and the User.

Services – services on providing possibility to use REVADA application (service, information platform) available on the Site, designed for information in the areas of our main specialization – deliveries of raw materials for cosmetic industry, household chemistry and industrial cleaning, plastics processing and food industry to the Russian market, provided (received) by the User.


The Policy defines the procedure of providing, forming, processing and storing personal data, communicated by Users in order to provide the Services or for other purposes, stipulated by the Policy.

The Policy regulates the relations from the moment of its acceptance by the User as a result of filling in the appropriate form on the Site in order to provide the Services, receiving information, publishing a withdrawal, indicating acceptance of the Policy conditions, or by performing other similar actions. Acceptance can be realized by ticking “I agree”, by performing another similar action or by means of conclusive actions aimed at using the Site.

By accepting the terms of the Policy, the User consents to any means of processing their personal data, including any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, removal, destruction of personal data in the established

Processing of personal data of the User is carried out with observance of the Federal Law #152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” and other laws and regulations governing personal data protection.

Personal data of the User concerning race, political views, religious and philosophical beliefs, health, intimate life is not obtained and processed.


The processing is organized by the Operator on the principles of:

  • Legality and fairness;

  • Processing only personal data that meet the purposes of its processing;

  • Compliance of the content and volume of processed personal data with the stated processing purposes.

  • Inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data, processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other.

  • Ensuring accuracy of personal data, its sufficiency and, if necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of personal data processing. The operator shall take necessary measures or ensure that they are taken to remove or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data;

  • Storage of personal data in the form allowing to define the User, not longer than it is required by the purposes of personal data processing.


Personal data within the meaning of the Policy may include: full names, telephone numbers, e-mail, information about the place of services (about facilities), data from identity documents, scans (photos) of identity documents, place of residence, SRO, licenses, certificates, other documents confirming the experience, skills, skills, payment details, addresses, information about social networks, means of electronic communications and other information, photos, information about geolocation, personal information contained in mobile devices,


The Operator strictly follows the principles of confidentiality. The User agrees that the Operator may store several general levels of information when using the Site:

The first level of information includes the static and other analytical information, collected on the basis of integration means with the third-party resources (for example: IP-address, type of the used browser, information about the computer operating system, application version, language settings and the displayed pages. The same data identifying the User’s mobile device, its specific settings and characteristics, information about latitude/longitude, and any other data that are available when interacting with the device through which you access the Site).

The second level of information is personal or personal information of persons sent to the Operator.


Personal information will be used by the Operator solely for the following purposes:

  • The provision of the Services;

  • Use of the Site;

  • Confirmation of the User’s status;

  • Provision of technical, information support in connection with the use of the Site and provision of the Services;

  • Improvement of quality of rendering Services;

  • Interaction between the Parties and between Users;

  • Advertising, news and information distribution by the Operator to the Users;

  • Giving gifts, bonuses, beneficial offers (if necessary).

  • Performing other obligations imposed on the Operator by law or contract (including the provisions of the public offer).

When a User accesses the Site, cookies may be written to the device that the User uses to access the Site and will be used in the future:

Automatic authorization of the User on the Site, for remembering the settings of the User’s browser when using the Site, for simplification and convenience when using the Site, as well as for collecting data about Users in order to improve the safety of the Operator and Users, simplify the procedure of interaction between the Operator and Users;

Realization of relations on providing Operator’s data from cookies to third parties for realization of such parties activity on displaying of targeted advertising and information materials in the Internet to the Users and/or for the purpose of providing other services to the User by such parties.

Realization of other technical actions necessary for convenience of the Operator and the User.


By providing personal data (information, documents), the User guarantees:

  • Legitimacy of ownership of the data;

  • Obtaining consents (permissions) from persons whose rights may be affected by the use of such data by the Operator or third parties;

  • Providing data does not violate anyone’s private interests and does not interfere with privacy;

  • Providing data doesn’t violate the legislation (private or public law), the User acts reasonably and prudently.

By actually using the Site, the User agrees that the Operator may collect and process data from cookies for the purposes stipulated by the Policy or by law, as well as to transfer such data to third parties in the cases listed in the Policy.


The Operator can transfer the User’s personal data to third parties (including the postal organizations, subcontractors, subagents, other third parties, etc.) with the aim of providing the Services, if such persons are involved by the Operator for providing the Services or achieving the goals, set by the Policy, as well as the Operator’s employees, without additional consent of the User.

The involved third parties have no right to use the User’s personal data for their own purposes or other purposes not related to the provision of the Services.

The Operator can transfer the User’s personal data to the third parties in other cases when such transfer is allowed without the User’s consent or is obligatory by law.


Personal data of the User is stored electronically for the duration of the provision of the Services, as well as for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of personal data processing. If necessary, personal data may be stored on paper or in any other form permitted by Russian law.

In the case of expiration or termination of the contract with the user’s personal data is blocked in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

In accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation destruction of personal data is carried out after the termination of the grounds for their preservation. Destruction of personal data of the User prior to the expiration of the specified period may be performed on the basis of a written application of the User.


Personal data of the User is subject to protection against unauthorized access and dissemination in accordance with the internal rules and regulations.

Protection of personal data of the User is provided by:

  • Prevention of unauthorized access to the processed personal data of the User.

  • Prevention of unauthorized actions for modification, distortion, dissemination, blocking, destruction of the processed personal data of the User.

  • Ensuring confidentiality of processed personal data of the User.


Measures to protect personal data may include:

  • Appointment of a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data, and a person responsible for ensuring the security of personal data;

  • Development and approval of local acts on processing and protection of personal data;

  • Application of legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure security of personal data: determination of threats to security of personal data in the course of its processing in personal data information systems

  • Application of organizational and technical measures to ensure security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, necessary to meet the requirements for the protection of personal data, implementation of which ensures the levels of protection of personal data established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

  • Use of duly approved conformity assessment procedure for information protection tools;

  • Evaluation of efficiency of measures taken to ensure security of personal data prior to commissioning of the information system of personal data;

  • Recording of personal data storage media, if personal data is stored on computer media;

  • Detection of facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures to prevent similar incidents in the future;

  • Restoration of personal data modified or destroyed as a result of unauthorized access to such data;

  • Establishment of rules of access to personal data processed in personal data information system, as well as ensuring registration and accounting of all actions performed with personal data in personal data information system/

  • Control over measures taken to ensure security of personal data and level of protection of personal data information systems;

  • Assessment of damages that may be caused to the Users in case of violation of the Act’s requirements,

  • Correlation of the said harm with the measures taken by the Operator to ensure the fulfillment of obligations provided by the Law;

  • Compliance with conditions preventing unauthorized access to material media of personal data and ensuring security of personal data;

  • Familiarization of the Operator’s employees directly engaged in processing of personal data with the provisions of personal data legislation of the Russian Federation, including requirements to protection of personal data, local acts on processing and protection of personal data, and training of the Operator’s employees.

Specific measures to protect personal data are determined by the Operator independently, taking into account existing local regulatory acts.


In any case, the Operator shall take the following measures to protect the confidentiality of personal data:

  • Development and approval of local acts on processing and protection of personal data;

  • Application of legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure security of personal data;

  • Detection of facts of unauthorized access to personal data and taking measures to prevent similar incidents in the future;

  • Restoration of personal data modified or destroyed as a result of unauthorized access to such data;

  • Control over measures taken to ensure security of personal data and security level of personal data information systems;

  • Compliance with conditions that exclude unauthorized access to material media of personal data and ensure security of personal data.


The Policy can be changed unilaterally without prior notice to the User.

The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment of its publication in the relevant section of the legal information posted on the Website, and applies to a particular User from the moment of acceptance (acceptance).

The revised Policy shall always apply to the rights and obligations of the Parties, unless otherwise follows from the nature of the legal relationship. The new edition of the Policy applies to the previously existing legal relations between the Operator and the User.

In all other matters not regulated by this Policy, the Parties shall be governed by the provisions of the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


LLC “Revada-Neva”

INN: 7807054342, OGRIN: 1037819016597

Registered address: 190005, St. Petersburg, ave. Izmailovsky, 29, lit. И, room 21 Н, office 12

Mailing address: 190005, St. Petersburg, ave. Izmailovsky, 29, lit. И, room 21 Н, office 12

Tel.: +7 (495) 955-24-42

E-mail address for questions related to the support of the Service, its performance info@agro.revada-group.com

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